Saturday, February 28, 2009

Two looks like so much more.

In the whole spirit of "spending money to keep the economy strong", we've invested this week in a double pram.
I use the word 'invested' loosely, because obviously, once you've bought a good, it depreciates in value. But we're investing in the well being of Australia! 
This new spin on consumerism does my head in, really! Never before has the whole of Australia or the Government been backing my spending choices in such a whole-hearted fashion. It almost makes me feel good about myself. Consider this- I spend money, not just to satisfy my own desires but also as a noble move to better the people who live in my country. But seriously, what ludicrous propaganda. Even if it has an element of truth to it.

So anyway, back to the double pram. It certainly looks like it will do the job of hiking 2 kids from point A to point B, but the proof will be in the pushing. I used to think a pram is a pram, until I bought my very nice current 3 wheeler from the trading post. It looks good, and it does push a variety of things (kids included) but the issue lies on whether you're pushing on a perfectly horizontal surface or whether you're on a slight incline. I spend my time pushing this pram around Glenmore Park, counteracting the force of gravity to try to push it over on it's side by pushing and leaning with all my weight on the opposite side to counteract gravity. Needless to say, this pram is going as soon as more than a 10kg baby is up in this pram, assisting gravity and working against a poor, struggling Mum. (That's me in this scenario).
So I'm anticipating with great joy the years of use from this new $800 pram. Spread out between 6 kids, that's only like $133.33 dollars per kid! Bargain! (Please note the sarcasm)

So along with a new bassinette that holds a kid up to 10kgs (Avy's weight now) and a borrowed carseat from Craig's helpful parents, the house is fuller, the car is looking a lot more like a family vehicle and my life is looking a lot more full with a lot less spare time again. But I can't wait! Just a whole house worth of cleaning to do first in preparation.

Realising that life works better with kids when it's structured, I've written out schedules for every week for the first 8 weeks of the baby's life to structure feeds and work out how I'm going to keep a very active toddler entertained during these tedious stretches. It's certainly chaotic, but I think if i can get them both into as much of a routine as possible early on, then at least my nights will be more restful than if they run on their own schedules. Thankyou Gina Ford!

The routine worked more or less with Avy, and she slept from 10.30pm till 7am with a sleepy middle of the night feed in there somewhere. So it's worked once, let's hope for two co-operative kids! Less than 6 weeks to go in the countdown to Willow's birth...

1 comment:

Hayley Lawrence said...

Very organised, Nicole!! You're making me feel rather neglectful... poor old Mia doesn't have any schedules of entertainment pre-planned in advance during feeding times. Though there is one consolation here... I've added playgroup to her weekly schedule... does that count?!