Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So far tonight

I've eaten a nutricious 1/2 block of cadbury chocolate. It's the only on-hand food in our house tonight, and as I found out at kid crazy hour (5pm) that Craig is out for the rest of tonight at a conference, I don't dare attempt dinner without someone around to quickly do the dummy duty should I be wrist deep in salmonella...

So I sit here, gluttonously consuming this delicious brown substance and I consider my late night take out options depending on when Craig gets through that door.

If it's before 9.20 (highly unlikely) I can get KFC fillet box. If it's not till 10.30, the only option is maccas from then on. But if he's later than that, then i'll just have to go to bed without dinner (or maybe pour some cereal one-handed?) and vow that next time, Craig will check what time he'll be home before I get my hopes up that i'll have him around for the hardest part of my day.

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