Sunday, July 26, 2009

Boring nappy talk.

Hmm, please skip this very uninteresting post. It's actually more for me to remember than for you to read.

Nicole, please note that newborn's don't stay newborn for long. Please don't buy 3 massive packs of Huggies/Babylove (and other) nappies that will not fit your child after 4 weeks, resulting in many ruined clothes and wet sheets from squeezing her in them "to save money".
Please realise that Huggies/Babylove are the smallest nappies ever made, and they really only last them for a few weeks at best, even though the first photo you take of them in said nappy looks like they're wearing shorts, not a diaper.
You could possibly get away with putting your "newborn" into the coles or woolies variety for a few more weeks, but again (see note above) they are not newborns for long, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't buy more than one 30ish packet of these other ones before trading up.
But on another note, the ALDI newborn nappies are a bit roomier,and you have successfully squished Willow into these for three months now before realising it's time to move on to the "infant" size, so you could buy more of those next time.

So, to recap. The smallest ones are Babylove and Huggies (you must use these first, not last!) babylove are great in the newborn size, because they actually have good leg elastic to hold in the water poos. So, yes, buy them again next child round! Then follow up with a generic grocery store variety "to save money" but then, remember that with Avalon from that stage on, huggies was really all you could trust. Once they start solids, you really don't want that "doo doo" getting on anything other than a nappy! Invest in the best, baby!

=) Maybe this post would be helpful for first time mothers. in which case, here's another "note" to help you all. Wait for the Toys r Us sale where you buy box sets of Huggies for $30 each, and invest in a years worth in the respective sizes. You won't be disappointed. You'll save hundreds!
PS_ Avalon is still in Huggies "crawlers" at 18 months and has been in them since before her first birthday as they lose leg weight once the walking starts.
Hope if you read this, it didn't bore you to tears!


Hayley Lawrence said...

Not at all boring, Nicole!! Only, can I just add that your children tend to be on the petite side of the scale! Mia was enormous, and was into toddlers from 11 months of age, and walkers from 15 or 16 months. Zara's more petite, but so far, I have found this with both of them:

Huggies/Babylove newborn nappies for 2 months, then infant for 2 months, then crawler from 4 months... so sad, since they're not even ready to crawl yet! Lucky Mia fluked toddling around by the time she moved up into the toddler nappies!!

Nik Hamilton said...

Great note Hayles! It is true, mine are petite little things! I can't believe Mia is in walkers tho. That's crazy! She doesn't look that big...