Thursday, October 8, 2009

The era of more sleep.

It is upon us. I see it glittering in the distance. A day where the mirror greets me with ease and the heavy lids are replaced by twinkling, refreshed eyes.

This morning Craig and I were indulged in a 9.30am sleep in.

And despite us waking to Avalons' "hand in poo" comments (which turned out to be the understatement of the century), no amount of poo in sleeping sacks can taint my morning's vibe.

I think I got 5 hours in a row, and after a short nappy change and bed cuddles with Willow, we all slept a further 2.5 hours! Not unheard of in our family, but unheard of since Willow's arrival.

So I write this with a little hesitation, but I'm confident enough to say that my dreams are on the way back to me! And I will welcome them, because whether they be enjoyable, or the stuff of nightmares, it means that I am actually sleeping! And that's a nice thought to wake up to.


Hayley Lawrence said...

So, so, so incredibly jealous, Nicole! Why do mine get worse with age, when everybody else's tend to get better?? The newborn phase is easy for me... it's when they 'wake up' that my troubles really begin!!

Wishing you many more indulgences... but, be fair... and swing just a little of the sleep-in my way, will you?!

Nik Hamilton said...

hayles, I'm sending the sleeping vibes across to your kids now. You should notice a change in their sleeping patterns by 11pm (GMT).
Lots of prayers offered up for you always. xoxo
(maybe try the water at night instead of feeding each time? Probably already tried that one already, but just in case you haven't... And Wills hasn't taken to it anyway, she hates water. Thankfully she seems to be waking more from hunger lately and not for the comfort feeds like your girls seem to do)
Much love.