Saturday, October 10, 2009


What's that? I hear those of you without children asking me...

Well, a routine is a set time each day allocated to sleep and play periods which is meant to have each child less tired and grumpy. Basically, children in a good routine for them will find themselves happier. More like the babies you see in the Huggies ads. And maybe less like the type you tisk at in the shopping centre who are hurtling themselves onto the floor demanding __ (insert unreasonable food item here).

Avalon fitted quite well (with some intentional moulding) into the contented baby routine. This routine was by far the most helpful thing I read in my pregnancy. I had no idea about how to feed, when to feed, when to sleep these little beings. Add to the confusion that these things change every 2-4 weeks in the early stages of their life and it's a recipe for frustration if you're not prepared.

Willow on the other hand has really had no such luxury of a set routine, given that she only slept in my arms for the first 3-4 months of her life (from possible reflux or pain?) she had to accommodate to Avalon's day and sleep around it. Which usually meant short, fitful sleeps, more than was recommended by the book and closer to 3 hourly feeds day and night for many months. I'm thankful that at the 5 month mark these things started to lengthen out, to the point where I got some 4 hourly stretches of sleep this month, and one rare 5 hourly sleep! I'm still reeling from this surprise.

But the interesting thing about her is that she just complies so well with whatever is expected of her. For example, last week I went into the city for a hens night. It was wonderful to leave the cares of home behind, but my little koala had to come with me, as we're still attached for feeds. She had a half hour nap on the way in (instead of the 45 minutes needed) and her day sleep had been minimal too due to our various busyness. I thought this would make for a very upset child all night, and I prayed that I wouldn't ruin my friends' celebrations.
We laughed and carried on for close to 3 hours before she decided that she was, indeed, a tad sleepy. And started to fuss right when we thought it was time to head home. It couldn't have been easier. But Avalon in this same scenario would have screamed and screamed. My eldest is the most sensitive of little people.

Today's outings were pretty good, also. Wills slept in the car on the way, then woke up and let other's have some cuddles (thanks Sar and Nat) and then pursued sleep a little harder right when it was time to leave. She's just an unbelievable kid. I really can't complain. I can almost do anything with her, as long as I'm not out for too long. And as long as her day sleep doesn't exceed the recommended amount for her age, she'll still go down like a dream at 7pm in the bed. I'm very thankful.

But I'm a routine girl through and through. Because I've found time by myself to reflect high on my list of priorities now. Time to relax with Craig is way up there, too. And 'time to expand my mind' needs to come into my life at some point, too. Amongst the needs of the girls, my needs fall in second. And they usually fall in after 7pm. If I haven't done my routine well enough that day, I regret it that night. Either by the girl's overtiredness or lack of it. These mistakes eat away at my "sanity" time. And even though I've done away with that time for the first 5 months of Willow's life, I'm just starting to receive a little of it back. And it is refreshing beyond all reason! Whilst this time to myself will wax and wane with sickness and new children, it is special. And I have to be humble enough to gladly sacrifice it should my children need me in these hours. But when they don't (like thus far tonight), I learn, I evolve. I hate being stagnant for long. It's not my natural state, nor should it be. Once I get enough sleep for my mind to grapple concepts again, I need to indulge myself in some brain training before another pregnancy robs me of it once more.

So, I say, give me a routine, any routine, which gives me from 7pm to 7am to myself and the 'me' you see now will hopefully not be the 'me' you see next year.

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